Spatial ecology in a changing world

Author: admin

How fire history, fire suppression practices and climate change affect wildfire regimes in Mediterranean landscapes

In a new article published in PLOS ONE, co-authored with Canadians co-workers, Marie Josée Fortin and Andrew Fall, ECOLAND members have investigated the role of fire suppression strategies in synergy with climate change on the resulting fire regimes in Catalonia (north-eastern Spain). We used a spatially-explicit […]

New agreement signed with the PAU COSTA Foundation on the modelling of fire risk

ECO-LAND has recently signed a collaboration agreement with the Pau Costa Foundation to strengthen research links on fire risk modelling to the operative world of fire- fighting. The collaboration will involve exchange of expertise on forest fire modelling derived from the BIONOVEL project (i.e. spatial […]

New article: Effects of the non-native amphibian species Discoglossus pictus on the recipient amphibian community: niche overlap, competition and community organization

A new article led by Alex Richter-Boix (Uppsala University, Sweden) and Núria Garriga (Barcelona University, Spain), with support of Dani Villero from ECOLAND, examines the effects of the non-native Discoglossus pictus (Amphibia: Discoglossidae) on amphibian assemblages from the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula, suggesting that […]


Members of the ECOLAND group have participated in the elaboration of a new atlas of breeding terrestrial vertebrates of Natural Park Baixa Limia-Serra do Xurés and Baixa Limia in collaboration with University of Santiago de Compostela and Sorex Ecologia. This book was founded by CBC […]

Landsat 8 launching event: remote sensing applications to biodiversity research

Ecoland members were invited to the Landsat 8 launching event held in Barcelona by the GRUMETS research group. Magda Pla and Núria Aquilué attended the event and presented some of the applications based on remote sensing data that the group have been using in Biodiversity […]

IPBES-1: Intergovernmental platform for biodiversity and ecosystem services

Ecol-Land is attending the first plenary meeting (19th-26th January) of the IPBES (Intergovernmental platform for biodiversity and ecosystem services). Lluís Brotons is representing as delegate, environmental research from Catalan CERCA institutions CREAF and CTFC. Research conducted in this centres has the potential to contribute to […]

EUBON project: Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network

Ecoland members will be involved in a new FP7 project representing the European Bird Census Council (EBCC) in the EU BON project. This project  presents an innovative approach towards integration of biodiversity information systems from on-ground to remote sensing data, for addressing policy and information […]

New article: TEASIng apart alien species risk assessments

Members of the ECOLAND group have participated in a new article in the journal Ecology Letters in which a rigorous, conceptual risk assessment framework to assess risks posed by invasive species has been proposed. The European Science Foundation (ESF) and the Agency for Management of […]

Visit to Ecoland: Tomáš Telenský, Charles University (Prague)

Tomáš Telenský is visiting Ecoland for some days. Tomáš is an employee of Birdlife CZ (Czech Society for Ornitology) and a PhD. student of ecology at Charles University in Prague. The subject of his PhD. is to unravel the causes of bird population changes. His […]

New article: Local and landscape-scale biotic correlates of mistletoe distribution in Mediterranean pine forests

Ecoland members led by Núria Roura have investigated the determinants of the parasite species European Misletoe (Viscum album) in Mediterranean pine forests. The study has been conducted in the context of MONTES project and in collaboration with Daniel Garcia from Oviedo University, and Regino Zamora […]

New article: Using species combinations as ecological indicators

A new article published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution presents a novel statistical approach to determine ecological indicators using species data. Unlike in traditional indicator species analysis, the authors of this article led by Miquel de Cáceres allow indicators to be species combinations in […]

New article: Mapping from heterogeneous biodiversity monitoring data sources

Using monitoring data from farmland birds in Catalonia as study case, a new article published in Biodiversity and Conservation shows the advantages and limitations of mapping species distributions from data obtained from different monitoring programs commonly used in Europe. In this article the authors show […]

XV National Congress of Geographical Information Techniques (AGE, Madrid, September 2012)

Adrián Regos and Magda Pla (ECOLAND) in collaboration with colleagues from FiDBosc (CTFC), GRUMETS (CREAF and UAB) and Department of Zoology in the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) have contributed with three proceedings to XV Conference of Geographical Information Techniques in the context of […]

Visiting researcher: David Duncan (Arthur Rylah Institute, Australia).

David Duncan is a Senior Scientist in Ecology at the Arthur Rylah Insitute for Environmental Research (ARI), part of the state government Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) in Melbourne, Australia. Oddly enough, he has opted to spend two months of annual leave and long-service […]