Lab Objectives
The Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology lab is devoted to the investigation and modelling of the factors determining species distributions in a complex and changing world
Featured Post

State of Nature in Catalonia 2020
New Report: Catalan wildlife is in clear decline: population sizes of vertebrates and invertebrates have fallen an average of 25% over the last 18 years. The loss of biodiversity has not been the same in the various environments or habitats and land use changes are the main direct drivers of this trend.
Lab News

New article: Ecosystem services provision by Mediterranean forests will be compromised above 2℃ warming
A new study published in Global Change Biology reviews the potential impacts of climate change on the provision of ecosystem services and the risk of fire and other climatic risks linked to Mediterranean forests. Forests provide a wide range of provisioning, regulating and cultural services of great value to societies across the Mediterranean basin. In…

New article: Towards a comprehensive look at global drivers of novel extreme wildfire events
A new article published in Climatic Change reviews the major mechanisms behind the occurrence of novel extreme wildfire events occurred around the globe between 2016 and 2020. Extreme wildfire events in recent years are shaking our established knowledge of how fire regimes respond to climate variables and how societies need to react to fire impacts….

Fire and biodiversity in the Anthropocene
Check out our important paper published in Science in which we highlight forward-looking methods for predicting the combined effects of human drivers and fire on biodiversity, and foreshadow emerging actions and strategies that could evolutionize how society manages fire for biodiversity in the Anthropocene. Fire has been a source of global biodiversity for millions of…

Predicting the potential distribution and forest impact of the invasive species Cydalima perspectalis in Europe
The box tree moth is an invasive species that impacts forests in Europe. What is its dynamic? What defines its impact pattern? What are the main factors determining its ecological niche? In this new publication in Ecology and Evolution we answer all these questions. Invasive species have considerably increased in recent decades due to direct…

Global review on interactions between insect pests and other forest disturbances
Is the whole greater than the sum of his parts? In this new publication in Landscape Ecology, we performed a literature review to describe how insect pests interact with fire, drought, pollution and other disturbances and we discuss their role on forest landscape dynamics. Forest landscapes worldwide are shaped by abiotic drivers such as fire,…

State of Nature in Catalonia 2020
New Report: Catalan wildlife is in clear decline: population sizes of vertebrates and invertebrates have fallen an average of 25% over the last 18 years. The loss of biodiversity has not been the same in the various environments or habitats and land use changes are the main direct drivers of this trend.
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