Spatial ecology in a changing world

Author: admin

Risk assessment analysis workshop: methods and applications for evaluating biological invasions

An exploratory workshop from the European Science Foundation on risk assessment analysis will take place in Girona from 17 to 20th April 2011. The workshop, coorganized by the CTFC, is led by Núria Roura-Pascual and participated by other components of the ECO-LAND lab and MONTES […]

Visits to the ECO-LAND lab

During these last weeks we received two international visits to our lab. Luke Kelly from Deakin University in Australia visited Solsona for some days in February, giving an interesting talk on fire regime impacts on biodiversity in southern Australia. Cesar Capinha from Évora University has […]

New book: Atlas of the breeding birds of Wallonia

The Wallonian (Belgium) ornithological association AVES has just released their new breeding bird atlas. ECO-LAND has collaborated with helping the authors in developing the spatial modelling approach used in the mapping of species distributions. This work is part of the ongoing collaboration with Dr. Nicolas […]

New article: Monitoring variability in post-fire bird colonisation in Mediterranean landscapes (DINDIS database)

In a new article lead by Elena Lopez-Zozaya and published in the EBCC Cáceres conference special number of the journal Ardeola, the DINDIS bird monitoring data base is officially presented. The DINDIS database results from the monitoring of bird communities occupying all areas affected by […]

PhD defence: Elena Lopez Zozaya

Elena Lopez Zozaya will defend her PhD thesis on February 4th, 11 A.M. in Solsona Post-fire bird colonization patterns of open-habitat species in Mediterranean lansdcapes. The defence will take place at the CTFC headquarters in Solsona. El proper dia 4 de febrer a les 11 del […]

STEPPE-AHEAD: Steppe-land birds, agriculture practices and economic viability: towards the conservation of threatened species in humanised landscapes

New project on farmland systems starting soon and funded by the CSIC Foundation. The project  aims at developing a multidisciplinar approach allowing the integration of threatened species requirements in current agronomic practices. The project is run in collaboration with the our companions at the Animal […]

New articles: Modelling species richness of trees and birds in forest systems

For preserving biodiversity of European-Mediterranean forest ecosystems in current and future scenarios of global change by means of sustainable forest management it is necessary to determine how environment and forest characteristics correlate with biodiversity. Two new articles published in the Journal Forest Systems and Journal […]

New competitive projects addressing land use changes and biodiversity in two national parcs

The ECO-LAND lab participates in two new projects to be carried out in the AigüesTortes i Llac de Sant Maurici and Sierra Nevada national parcs.The project TREBIO is coordinated by the ECO-LAND lab and carried out together with colleagues from the CTFC (FIDBOSC,LABTAG and SILVOPAS). […]

New article: Climatic suitability and anthropogenic influence determine the pattern of spread in a global invader

Because invasive species threaten the integrity of natural ecosystems, a major goal in ecology is to develop predictive models to determine which species may become widespread and where they may invade. In a new collaborative study lead by Núria Roura-Pascual an published in the journal […]

Servidor d’informació sobre els efectes del canvi climàtic (

The Online server on the effects of climate change on birds and their habitats has as a main objective to introduce the reader to the impact that climate change is having on habitats using bird populations and their responses as study models. The project relies […]

Curs sobre modelització espacial de la biodiversitat a Solsona

New course on species distribution modelling held in Solsona. More info here. ———————————————– Nou curs sobre modelització espacial de la biodiversitat celebrat a Solsona els 17 i 18 de febrer a Solsona. NOU: MATERIALS DELS CURS – PRESENTACIONS – ARTÍCLES I TUTORIALS DE REFERÈNCIA. El […]

Contributions to the Spanish Ornithology Congress 2010

The Biodiversity and Animal Conservation lab with the Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology lab participated in the 20th Congress of Spanish Ornithology in Tremp. The Congress was organized by SEO/BirdLife and the town council of Tremp. Since 4th to 8th of December more than 300 ornithologist […]

New Article: Functional heterogeneity in farmland landscapes.

Heterogeneity in farmland has been identified as a key feature behind biodiversity patterns hosted in such humanised systems. In a new article published in Ecology letters, an international team of researchers addresses the concept of functional heterogeneity as a key to understand and assess how […]

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the Segarra-Garrigues channel irrigation project

The Catalan Environmental department has recently published in its official communication body the EIA of the Segarra –Garrigues channel in which measures to allow sustainable use of farmland resources and the conservation of threatened species such as steppe-land birds. The conflict between species conservation and […]

New article: Geographical variation in distributional constraints

New article lead by Sara Vallecillo in collaboration with Patrick Osborne at the University of Southhampton on how factors determining species distribution vary in space and how important this may be in modelling. Factors determining species distributions have frequently been shown to vary geographically, yielding […]