Spatial ecology in a changing world

Author: admin

TPT: Óscar Santafé. Oak regeneration in pine forests

Oak regeneration patterns in pine forests Forest regeneration is a complex proces driven by many interacting factors. In this TPT master (UdL) study, Óscar Santafé supervised by Carol Puerta have investigated the factor determining natural regeneration patterns of oak sedlings in pine forests (Pinus nigra) […]

New article: Understanding (insect) species distributions across spatial scales

Ecography 33(1) is the first issue of volume 33 published by Ecography in February 2010, which includes a special section dedicated to “Understanding (insect) species distributions across spatial scales”. This sections is composed of an Editorial and 11 Research papers providing an integral up-to-date overview […]

18th conference of the European Bird Census Council

ECO-LAND members have attended and significantly contributed to the 18th Conference held in Cáceres, Spain, between 22-26th March. The conference was a meeting place for ornithologists and conservation biologists all over Europe who reported on last news regarding mapping and monitoring of birds all across […]

New article: Integrating conservation into landscape planning

In this new study and in collaboration with researchers from the Catalan Ornithological Institute (ICO) we developed a simple quantitative method to assist in the decision making process of the landscape planning by integrating information of species occurrence and their individual IUCN extinction risks. We […]

New article: Testing for environmental induced changes in ecology

In order to test hypotheses about changes in the environment induced by man, including climatic change, ecologists are sampling portions of the environment repeatedly across time. This new paper co-authored by Miquel de Cáceres paper describes a method for testing a space–time interaction in repeated […]

New article: Biology and conservation of Mediterranean sticklebacks

Biology and habitat use of three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in intermittent Mediterranean streams. The three-spined stickleback has one of the largest distribution ranges among freshwater fishes, being found in marine, brackish and freshwater environments in Eurasia and North America. Throughout its huge range, stickleback is […]

Book discussion posts in the blog

ATLAS OF BIODIVERSITY RISK The present Atlas of Biodiversity Risk is the first of its kind to describe and summarise in a comprehensive, easy-to-read and richly illustrated form the major pressures, impacts and risks of biodiversity loss at a global level. The main risks identified […]

New article: Associations between species and groups of sites

Ecologists often face the task of studying the association between single species and one or several groups of sites representing habitat types, community types, or othercategories. Besides characterizing the ecological preference of the species, the strength of the association usually presents a lot of interest […]

Visit: Marco Moretti from WSL (Switzerland)

Marco Moretti has visited the ECO-LAND lab the context of a collaboration with Miquel de Càceres. The stay of Dr. Marco Moretti from the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) in Switzerland has focussed on the development of community analyses aimed […]

New article: Invasive pathways of the Argentine ant in a Mediterranean region

From introduction to equilibrium: reconstructing the invasive pathways of the Argentine ant in a Mediterranean region. Determining the geographical range of invasive species is an important component of formulating effective management strategies. In the absence of detailed distributional data, species’ distribution models can provide estimates […]

PhD defence: Sara Vallecillo

Sara Vallecillo will defend her PhD thesis on Decembre 18th in Solsona Landscape changes and their effects on species distribution: modelling and application to the conservation of open habitat birds. The defence will take place at the CTFC headquarters in Solsona.—————————————————————-Tesi doctoral: Sara Vallecillo El […]

Blog news: Pictures from burnt areas in Catalonia

Pictures from burnt areas sampled in the context of the DINDIS and BIOPRED projects.————————-Fotos de zones cremades mostrejades en el context dels projectes DINDIS i BIOPRED.

Workshop: SCALES meeting in Solsona

From November 17-19th there will be a meeting of the EU project Scales. This meeting will take place at the CTFC headquarters in Solsona and will discuss the development of large scale biodiversity traits to be used in various modelling exercises.

MOBIMO: Application of niche-based modelling techniques to long-term common bird monitoring data

New collaboration project started with the Gabriel Lippmann research center in Luxembourg. The MOBIMO project lead by Dr. Nicolas Titeux will allow the recruitment of a PhD. student Olatz Aizpurua that will join the group from Luxembourg to deal with the applciation of predictive distribution […]

New article: Threatened bird species booms in burnt areas

Many farmland species are having bad times in Europe…but some are boosting in burnt areas. In this study with Swiss Colleagues from the University of Bern we analyse the habitat selection patterns of one of these species the Ortolan bunting in a recently burnt area […]