Spatial ecology in a changing world

Author: admin

Common Bird Monitoring Workshop

Second meeting of SOCC participants in Solsona Volunteers and researches taking part in the Catalan Common Bird Monitoring (SOCC) met at the CTFC in Solsona on October the 9th. New advances and applications of common bird monitoring where discussed including bird counting exercises and the […]

GIS & Remote sensing master project: Núria Aquilué. Landscape models and fire.

Modelling landscape dynamics driven by fire (MEDFIRE model) Landscapes are not static and in Mediterranean regions such as Catalonia fire is driving to a large extent current changes in forest extent and composition. In her master work Núria Aquilué has addressed different questions regarding to […]

ECO-LAND blog reaches 4000 visits!

The blog reaches 4000 visits and more than 8000 page views since its release about one year ago!! El nostre blog arriba a les 4000 visites i més de 8000 visualitzacions de pàgines durant el seu primer any de vida!!!

New articles: Fires are not that bad: impacts at the community level on birds and arthropods

Two new articles on fire-triggered ecosystem changes has been published in Ecography, as a result of a collaborative work lead by Marco Moretti and with the participation of Miquel De Cáceres, and Journal of Animal Ecology by Miguel Clavero and Lluís Brotons in collaboration with […]

Global Index of Vegetation Databases (GIVD)

At the 9th international Meeting on Vegetation Databases (26–28 February 2010, Hamburg, Germany), it was decided to establish a global metadatabase of vegetation data that is publicly available. This initiative has lead to the definition of the Global Index of Vegetation Databases (GIVD). GIVD is […]

New article: linguistic injustice in ecological journals.

 A letter on the issue of linguistic injustice in science by Miguel Clavero has been published in TREE. International scientific communication is monolithically dominated by English, particularly within natural sciences. The professional career of individual scientists relies on their ability to publish in internationally relevant […]

New article: Environmental constraints of the otter expansion in Andalucia.

In a new article published in the Journal of Biogeography lead by Miguel Clavero and collaborators from Doñana Biological Station (CSIC), new insights into the processes driving the expansion of otters have been investigated. As has happened throughout Europe, the otter (Lutra lutra) has expanded […]

New article: Geographic distribution of threats to Mediterranean freshwater fish

A new article published in the journal Diversity & Distributions and led by Miguel Clavero addresses the spatial distribution of threats and imperilment of freshwater fish in the Mediterranean basin. The level of imperilment of Mediterranean freshwater fish is amongst the highest recorded for any […]

Eco-land goes twitting

The lab introducing twitter as way of communicating interesting news and ideas not directly issued from its activities. You can check recent and old tweets from: ——————————————- El laboratori introdueix twitter com una nova eina de comunicació de notícies i idees rellevants a la seva tasca […]

New article: Management of numerical vegetation classifications

New paper on numerical classifications of vegetation published in the Journal of vegetation science and lead by Miquel de Cáceres in collaboration with a University of Barcelona team. In this paper, we compared the performance of fuzzy C-means (FCM), noise clustering (NC) and possibilistic C-means […]

Book release: Effects of Climate Change on Birds

A new book has been recently published by Oxford University Press addresses the impact of climate change on birds. Lluís Brotons has been involved in one of the chapters (number 18) in which the impact of climate change at the community scale has been reviewed. […]

New article: Land use changes and mountain pine expansion in the Pyrenees

In this new study and in collaboration with researchers from the FIDBOSC research group we have analysed the changes in mountain pine forests during the last 50 years. Over the last 50 years, mountain pine (Pinus uncinata Ram.) has expanded its surface area in the […]

CAMBIARE: communicating the effects of global change on reptiles and amphibians in Spain

CAMBIARÉ? GLOBAL CHANGE IMPACTS ON IBERIAN AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES We are finalizing the CAMBIARE? website, about global change effects on Iberian amphibians and reptiles species, funded by the Fundación Biodiversidad and with the colaboration of the AHE (Spanish Herpetological Society). The project is focused on […]

New article: Functional homogenization along habitat gradients

In this new study published in the Global Ecology & Biogeography, we developed a multidimensional measure of niche specialization and apply it to test whether functional homogenization of bird communities in a Mediterranean region is promoted by anthropogenic habitat transformation. We used data on bird […]

Course: Dynamic Landscape modelling by Andrew Fall

Applying dynamic landscape models for research and sustainable forest management experiences and lessons from across Canada and Europe. NEW!!!!! COURSE MATERIALS: CLICK HERE NOU!!!!! MATERIALS DEL CURS: CLICA AQUÍ Next May 5th a new course will be organised on Dynamic landscape modelling. the course organised […]