Spatial ecology in a changing world

Author: admin

New article: Patterns of distribution change and species population trends

Looking at the shape of species distributions! A new paper with our collaborators at the CEFE-CNRS in Montpellier has analysed the relationship between changes in distribution shapes and population trends in an area affected by strong land abandonment. The results indicate that the information contained […]

Ecochange summer school attended

From 7th to 10th of September 2009 Dani Villero has assisted to the ECOCHANGE Summer School “Predictive habitat distribution models: tools for building projections of global change impact on biodiversity” at Laussane (Switzerland), organized by Antoine Guisan, Willfred Thuiller & Nick E. Zimmermann, and with […]

INOAC: Development of sound functional indicators of biodiversity change

The INOAC project “Development of farmland biodiversity indicators from bird monitoring programs” has been completed. The project funded by Obra Social de la Caixa de Catalunya has been run in collaboration with the Catalan Ornithological Institute. The project has been centered in the development of […]

New article: Prominent role of invasive species on bird diversity loss at the global scale

In this article published in the journal Biological Conservation, Miguel Clavero and coworkers have analysed the role of different threats to avian biodiversity at the global scale and found that invasive species have a major role in driving species loss and biotic homogenisation in this […]

7th Conference of the European Ornithologist’s Union, Switzerland

Between 21 to 26th August, Lluís Brotons will attend the 7th conference of the EOU in Zurich Switzerland. Lluís Brotons has been invited as a keynote speaker to the symposium“Advances in ornithological knowledge through species distribution modelling”.The presentation, entitled “Predicting bird distribution in mediterranean dynamic […]

PhD defence: Assu Gil-Tena

Assu Gil-Tena successfully defended her PhD on July 21st Factors behind richness, distribution and dynamics of forest birds at the landscape scale in Catalonia : implications for sustainable forest management.The defence took place at ETSEA in Lleida.————————————————————————-Tesi doctoral: Assu Gil- Tena El dia 21 de […]

Stay at the University of Queensland

Stay at the University of Queensland. Sara Vallecillo has completed a five month stay (jan-june, 2009) at the spatial ecology lab of Hugh Possingham in Brisbane, Australia. Thiis lab is part of the AEDA research center (Applied Environmental Decision Analysis). During this stay we have […]

Stay at the University of Toronto

Integration of the MEDFIRE landscape and species distribution models During two weeks (18/6-30/6) Lluís Brotons and Miquel de Cáceres have joined Mariee-Jossé Fortin and Andrew Fall in Toronto in order to work on the development of new approaches to develop more sound approaches to build […]

New article: Large scale forest change and bird dynamics

In this new article, Assu Gil and coworkers have been analysing bird change data and forest dynamics estimated from forest inventory data and conclude that forest maturation is currently driving forest bird distribution changes at the regional scale in Catalonia.Processes derived from global change such […]

PCISB: Biodiversity conservation in protected areas

Biodiversity conservation and monitoring in protected areas We have initiated an exciting new project: Biodiversity and monitoring of biodiversit of natural protected areas (ENPE) in Catalonia. This project is promoted by the Parcs service of the General direction of the natural environment of the Catalan […]

New article: Distribution models may fail when apply in a temporal perspective

Species distribution models should be used with caution! Land-cover changes from the last decades are leading to important declines in habitat quality, giving rise to changes in bird species distribution all over the world. However, land-cover changes result from a variety of different processes, and […]

SCALES: A new EU project on Biodiversity

The Eco-land lab gets involved in a new EU funded project in partnership with the European Bird Census Council ( Biodiversity and its effective management are inextricably related to scale. The main pressures on Europe’s terrestrial biodiversity and the socio-economic drivers behind these pressures act […]

CONSOLIDER-MONTES: global change impacts on forests

The project MONTES started in december 2008. The kick-off meeting took place in Barcelona (UAB) between 12-13 february 2009. The MONTES program brings together researchers from 9 research groups: two from public centers that conduct research into forestry and environmental issues (CREAF, CTFC), two from […]

CARTOBIO: Entering the third year

Applications of species distribution modelling The CARTOBIO project developed by the Eco-land lab for the Catalan Government (DMAH) has entered its third year. The project aims at developing specific mapping applications for a number of species and taxa. These maps are then used by managers […]

New article: Land abandonment in the Mediterranean and changes in bird distributions

Land abandonment is driving recent birds population changes in the North –western Mediterranean. A new article in the journal Biological Conservation issued from the collaboration with the Montpellier group lead by Jean Louis Martin and Clelia Sirami and Bird Life (Ian Burfield) has analysed a […]