Spatial ecology in a changing world

Author: admin

New article: Modelling invasive alien species distributions from digital biodiversity atlases

A new article recently published in Diversity and Distributions and led by Arnald Marcer from the CREAF, presents a novel method to derive fine-resolution species distribution maps which are robust enough to explain data at different scales present in biodiversity databases. The method takes advantage […]

Nature Conservation – a new dimension in Open Access publishing bridging science and application

ECOLAND is participating in the launching of a new journal regarding Nature Conservation issues. This journal has its roots in the FP7 project SCALES. In its first editorial co-signed by its editors, including Lluís Brotons, the journal introduces its role as a new open access, […]

New ECOLAND postdoc: Laura Cardador

Laura Cardador has joined the ECOLAND and Baclab groups in the context of the Steppe-ahead project. Her main research interests have focussed on the ecological factors affecting spatial distribution and population dynamics of species, paying particular attention to human-induced environmental changes. She has also wide […]

New article: Calibrating dispersal in hybrid species distribution models

In a new article published in Diversity and Distributions, two members of the ECO-LAND group (Miquel De Cáceres and Lluís Brotons) have studied the usefulness of a general-purpose bird monitoring programme (the common breeding bird survey of Catalonia, SOCC) for the calibration of dispersal parameters […]

New article: Recent fire history and connectivity determine bird distribution in landscapes dominated by land abandonment

In a new article published in the journal Landscape Ecology, members of the ECO-LAND lab led by Elena Lopez-Zozaya have analysed how landscape history and the pattern of recent fires determines the distribution dynamics of early succesional bird species in Mediterranean landscapes driven by land […]

New article: Modelling bird species distribution change in fire prone Mediterranean landscapes.

In this new article published in the journal Ecography, ECO-LAND members lab, in collaboration with Andrew Fall and Marie-Josée Fortin, present the development of new tools to model the distribution changes of species in dynamic  landscapes driven by perturbations such as fire. These developments are […]

New article: Climatic debt in birds and butterflies at a European scale

In a new article published in Nature Climate Change, an international team of researchers including Lluís Brotons, Sergi Herrando (ICO) and Constanstí Stefanescu (Museu Granollers) has analysed the lags between climate changes and biological responses (climatic debts) in birds and butterflies in Europe. The results […]

Offered: assistant technician position in landscape modelling and data analysis.

            We offer a technician position in landscape modelling and analysis of environmental data to join the Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology Lab at the Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC) in the context of global change and its impacts on ecological systems. Es busca tècnic/a […]

Post-Doc position: Conservation biology and spatial ecology in Mediterranean farmlands

A grant offer is open to conduct post-doctoral research for 18 months (with the possibility of an extension) in Spain in the context of the project STEPPE-AHEAD “Steppe-land birds, agriculture practices and economic viability: towards the conservation of threatened species in humanised landscapes“ funded by […]

Phd candidates welcome: Fire and landscape modelling in the Mediterranean

We welcome PhD candidates interested in starting a thesis on the impacts of climate and land use changes on fire regimes and landscape changes in Spain in the context of the project “BIONOVEL: Assessing the impact on biodiversity of uncertain and novel future landscapes under […]

New article: Biogeography of species richness gradients.

In a new article published in Biological reviews, Lluís Brotons together with other CREAF researchers led by Jofre Carnicer, shed light on how adaptive traits contribute to the emergence and maintenance of species richness gradients. Empirical studies show that geographical clines in population parameters and […]

Visit to Australian research centres

                                      New contacts and collaborations allow the ECO-LAND lab to establish a link with Australian scientists. A research stay funded by the Catalan Government has allowed Lluís Brotons to visit Jane Elith at ACERA (Australian Centre of Excellence for Risk Analyses), located in the […]

New article: Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and bird monitoring.

In this new article published in the journal the IBIS, members from EcoLand and BAC Labs together with engineers from the Polytechnics University of Catalonia and members of SIBOC, report on the use of a small UAS to monitor temporal changes in breeding population size […]

Spanish Marine protected areas and species distribution models

An ECOLAND lab work contributes to the large scale establishment of marine protected areas in Spain. The draft Ministerial Order to declare the Spanish Marine Special Protection Areas (SPAs), including information about its geographical boundaries, the main species present and the basic principles for its […]

Valuing ecosystem services… or the economy of forest recovery after fire

In recent times there is an increasing recognition of the importance of ecosystem services founded on ecological processes to society. Carol Puerta-Piñero of the ECO-LAND lab has lead an article in the European Journal of Forest Research addressing the economic value of ecological processes behind […]