Spatial ecology in a changing world

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Se busca candidato a beca FPU para un proyecto sobre modelización de la vegetación en el CTFC

Se busca candidato para solicitar beca de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU) para la realización de una tesis doctoral. Tema: Predicción de cambios en la estructura y composición de la vegetación a escala de paisaje/regional. La vegetación Mediterránea es el resultado de la acción de procesos ecológicos (crecimiento, competencia, mortalidad, ...
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New article: Incorporating spatial constraints in different periods of the annual cycle improves species distribution model performance for a highly mobile bird species

Incorporating spatial constraints in different periods of the annual cycle improves species distribution model performance for a highly mobile bird species A new article published in Diversity & Distributions and lead by Laura Cardador from the ECOLAND group, examines the role that pure distance effects and niche-based environmental responses can ...
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New article: Predicting species distributions for conservation decisions

The new article published in Ecology Letters aims at facilitating the use of Species distribution models (SDMs) in decision making and conservation. This article has been magnificently led by Antoine Guisan (Univ. Genève) and is derived from a series of workshops hosted by CEED on this topic and held in ...
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Modelling the distribution of the European wild rabbit in fragmented environments

Ecoland members have investigated the factor affecting the occurrence of European wild rabbit in fragmented environments in a mountainous area of northwestern Spain (Gerês-Xurés Biosphere Reserve). The study has been led by Luis Tapia and conducted in collaboration with Jesús Domínguez and Maria Vidal from University of Santiago de Compostela.  ...
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Post-doctoral positions on biodiversity scenarios open at Ecoland

POST-DOCTORAL POSITIONS ON BIODIVERSITY SCENARIOS IN EUROPE OPEN AT CTFC Two positions to conduct post-doctoral research are open at CTFC for one to two years (with the possibility of an extension) in the context of the two FP7- European projects “EUBON - Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network“, and “TRUSTEE, ...
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Conservation planning in a dynamic world: Biodiversity and fire in the Mediterranean region

In response to the processes threatening biodiversity such as habitat loss, effective selection of priority conservation areas is required to ensure long term persistence of key species. However, reserve selection methods usually ignore the drivers of future habitat changes, thus compromising the effectiveness of conservation. In a new article published ...
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