Spatial ecology in a changing world

InForest JRU

InForest JRU (CTFC-CREAF).Including InForest Dron Unit.

The InFOREST JRU is a joint research venture by CTFC and CREAF. These are two forest research centres belonging to the Catalan network CERCA. One cornerstone of the InForest JRU is that it is built on strong national, European and global networks (Canada, Australia, etc), fact that sets up the offer place in an international scope research group. Mediterranean forests are complex socio-ecosystems characterized by an important biodiversity, high levels of spatial environmental heterogeneity, deep interlinking with human populations to which they provide a bunch of ecosystem services. Mediterranean forests are also considered as a hotspot of global change impacts. Based on meta-disciplinary research, our research vision will develop a dynamic approach of the resilience of Mediterranean forests by considering an integrated socio-ecosystem where management, ecological processes, and socio-economic processes interact. Climate change, land-use changes and new demands on ecosystem services act on the system as new disturbance factors or modify previous disturbance regime (fire), which will simultaneously impact the different compartments of the system.